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Many of the Kindle Object API calls rely on or return certain strings. The meaning of these strings is detailed in this page.

The majority of this information was taken from the firmware from /opt/var/local/mesquite (in the sqsh file)


Value Description
all Turn on all user prompting. Everything needed to make a connection will be used.
never Turn off all user prompting. A connection will be made automatically if possible
nocaptive Turn on user prompting for everything but a captive portal situation


Value Description
success The connection attempt succeeded
failure-user-canceled The user canceled the connection request
failure There was a failure when connecting
failure-captive-portal There was a captive-portal related failure when connecting


Value Description
auto Automatically hide/show scrollbar
hidden Hide the scrollbar
visible Show the scrollbar


Value Description
success Succeeded in downloadin the file
error There was an error downloading the file
canceled The file download was canceled by the user
rejected The file type is not downloadable


Value Description
auto Automatically set the refresh mode
minimal Do not refresh the display often
maximal Refresh the display often
manual Do not refresh the display at all unless directly called by JS/Code


Value Description
wifi Kindle is connected via WiFi
wan Kindle is connected via 3g
none No interfaces are currently active on the Kindle (airplane mode)


Value Description
auto Set orientation automatically
portrait Set portrait orientation automatically
portraitUp Portrait orientation
portraitDown Portrait orientation (upside down)
landscape Set landscape orientation automatically
landscapeLeft Landscape orientation (clockwise)
landscapeRight Landscape orientation (anticlockwise)


Value Description
up Up
down Down
left Left
right Right


Value Description
top Top
buttom Bottom
center Center
left Left
right Right


Value Description
back Back button
store Store button
home Home button
forward Forward button
menu Menu button
refresh Browser refresh button
cancel Cancel button
discovery Discovery button
KPP_BACK Decanter Chrome back button
KPP_CLOSE Decanter Chrome close button


Value Description
enabled Button is enabled
disabled Button is disabled
false Button is hidden (this one is a boolean, not a string like the others)


Value Description
system Button is handled by the Kindle itself
notifyapp Button is handled by the WAF


Value Description
browserSettings ???
browserBookmarks ???
browserBookmarkPage ???
browserHistory ???
browserArticleOrWebMode ???


Value Description
enabled Menu item enabled
disabled Menu item disabled